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Why should we pay the retainer? Would it not be a less expensive procedure if we do it ourselves?

When deciding whether to do it yourself, evaluate the importance of your immigration matter. What are important to you are results. No matter how inexpensive, without positive results, the outcome will be costly. Your professional and family considerations should govern the decision - immigration can determine the choice of profession and degree of success in one's professional life, as well as immigration can impact the future of immediate family and descendants for generations. 


New Immigration program is taking effect technical issues and process is becoming harder  it is critical to ensure that application process is well documents & professionally represented.If your case is refused you cannot fight back you cannot argue or challenge an Immigration officer. You are not aware of the Acts  & Regulations, Appeals & Procedures.


“We speak for you & make the law work for you”


If your application is refused contact us :We specialize in refused cases